Although the recession hit Texas just as hard as the rest of the United States, things have recently been turning around in the oil and gas industry, meaning that tons of new jobs are becoming available in this state. There are hundreds of thousands of oil and gas wells active in Texas ...
Allied Testing provides Texas Oil and Gas Testing and Environmental Compliance Services. We test soils, liquids, gases, and unknowns.
Air Quality Standards and Oil and Gas Production in Texas: Know Your AMCVS62. Interoffice Memorandum from Shannon Ethridge, Toxicology Div., to Distri- bution (Oct. 27,2009), tionforDISHTX.pdf. 66. Id.; seealso Interoffice Memorandum ...
Oil and gas investment opportunities for accredited investors at Aresco LP, one of the top oil and gas investment companies in Texas and beyond.
Although advanced technology has historically been the realm of major oil and gas companies, in pursuing economies of scale many of these companies have largely departed from the mature Texas resource base. The opportunity thus created has been enthusiastically grasped by other major and independent ...
Texas Supreme Courtsurface destruction testordinary and natural meaning testFriedman v. Texacothe retroactive ruleStability and certainty of land titles encourages development of mineral resources and means individuals need not resort to judiciary for interpretation. Unfor...
About 43% of all crude oil production in the United States comes from Texas.8 Houston Houston is the state's largest city with a population of 2.3 million. This makes it the fourth most populated city in the country.910Already home to the headquarters of severaloil and gascompanies, Houston...
The Texas Railroad Comission has released their oil and gas production data for November. As most of you know, the Texas RRC data is always incomplete. Some data is updated immediately but the rest trickles in slowly, sometimes taking many months to years to complete. Nevertheless we can ...
The Ambassador said the EU's trade with and investment in Texas adds up to nearly 270,000 jobs and more than $300 billion a year. "I was told that everything was bigger in Texas," said Neliupsiene. "So, I can tell that our trade cooperation with Texas is th...
operators could release leases subject to overriding royalties and later lease the same minerals without the overriding interest burden. But the Texas Legislature just created a “cause of action for the bad faith washout of an overriding royalty interest in an oil and gas lease.” Specifically...