OWNERSHIPOFOILANDGAS Beforeexaminingthelawgoverningoilandgasleases,itishelpfultodiscussthebasicprinciplesildhiUdOklhlthfttflddthld,foilandgasownershipUnderOklahomalaw,theownerofatractoflanddoesnotholdanwnershiinterestintheoilorasnderhislandntilthosesbstancesareextractedtotheownershipinterestintheoilorgasunderhislanduntil...
Gateway Land Services is an Oklahoma based company, specializing in quality title research, seismic permitting, and oil and gas leasing.
5:19-cv-00600, 2021 WL 1026526 (W.D. Okla. Mar. 17, 2021), the plaintiff was the owner of mineral interests under a section of land in Stephens County, Oklahoma, which were leased to Heritage Resources-NonOp, LLC (Heritage) pursuant to various oil and gas leases. Under the terms ...
AusTex Oil AusTex Oil Limited is an ASX listed company focused on reworking and development of oil and gas leases in the USA. The Company produces oil from leases in Oklahoma and Kansas and has an active drilling program running in both states. Since listing in March 2008, AOK has ...
White Sail Energy is an Edmond, Oklahoma based oil and gas company providing oil and gas brokerage services to the energy industry throughout the Mid-Continent region.
4 Total Leases1 Total WellsMap of Wells Associated with Avon Energy Corp Production By Month For Avon Energy Corp Instantly Access Production Data Subscribe now to receive immediate access to Avon Energy Corp oil and gas production between January 1993 and October 1996 ...
Apollo Exploration, LLC is an Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - based independent oil and gas company focused on the strategic acquisition of oil and gas leases, minerals, royalties and non-operated working interest in established and emerging resource plays acr
Of the 4,901 spills during this period, Texas accounts for 1,936 or roughly 40% of all oil and gas spills. This is followed by Oklahoma, which has had 407 spills and is one of the largest net exporters of oil and gas in the country....
McClendon was indicted Tuesday on a federal charge of conspiring to rig bids to buy oil and natural gas leases in northwest Oklahoma. He was expected to turn himself in and appear before a judge at the Oklahoma City federal courthouse on Wednesday,CBS affiliate KWTV reported. ...
Address: 2225 W OKLAHOMA AVE ULYSSES, KS 67880 Production Dates on File: January 1980 to September 20246 Counties With Production18 Currently Producing Leases299 Total Leases50 Currently Producing Wells596 Total Wells10.9 k MCF of Gas Produced in Aug 2024Map of Wells Associated with BP America Pr...