The first mention of the possible presence of oil and gas pools in the Dnieper-Donets province related to salt, domes was by N. S. Shatskiy in 1931. In 1936 during exploration for potassium salts on the Romen dome direct signs of oil were found. In the following year a flow of oil ...
The leading global oil, gas and energy news resource. Covering the latest oil and gas news including shale, lng, drilling, exploration and production.
Oil & Gas exploration and production industry aims to contribute to the globally growing energy demand in an ever challenging environment. Whilst the tightening regulatory, environmental and macro-economic landscape add to the complexity, Castrol continue to advance with new lubrication solutions engineered...
Charles McCallister, director of policy at the lobby group UK Onshore Oil and Gas believes this justifies further exploration here - even in a climate crisis. "It is incontrovertible that the UK will continue to need oil and gas over 2050 and beyond," he said. "The question is where do...
Specialty chemistries optimize oil and gas exploration performance while protecting the environment in a cost-efficient manner. Most important, the versatility of these resources help operations run in a safer way without compromising production speed. Prevent damaging buildup Enable cleaner water ...
CGX Energy Inc. in Toronto, ON is an oil and gas exploration company with three licenses in the Guyana-Suriname Basin. Get in touch.
For example, while ExxonMobil is generally considered to be an oil and gas exploration and production company, it is also heavily involved in refining, pipelines and petrochemicals manufacturing. ExxonMobil also generates a major portion of its revenues outside the U.S. This report is focused on...
The leading global oil, gas and energy news resource. Covering the latest oil and gas news including shale, lng, drilling, exploration and production.
Oil and Gas Exploration Falls to Lowest Level in Five YearsHarsh taxes are stunting activity in the UK's North Sea, but in Norway it is boomingArnott, Sarah
The United Kingdom has significant oil and gas reserves in the North Sea, which have been a major production source for several decades. Although the reserves have declined, they still present a substantial resource base that requires ongoing exploration and production efforts. The United Kingdom ...