Production Engineer Position based in Calgary, Alberta-Canada This is an opportunity to become a member of an oil and gas exploration and production company based in Calgary, Alberta. The role will be focusing on the development of in-situ oil sands in the Athabasca region as well as the the...
Are you looking for Oil,Gas & Energy Jobs? Search for jobs Our people Oil Professionals has been established by senior oil and gas experts who have worked for more than three decades in the Oil and Gas industry. The team’s extensive experience within the industry gives... ...
Yield stress fluid flows occur in a great many operations and unit processes within the oil and gas industry. This paper reviews this usage within reservoi
Gone with the wind are the concept of “moral hazard,” the idea that central banks should be independent of political control, the idea that lowering interest rates might cause inflation and the knowledge that widespread deposit guarantees and bank bailouts impose huge long run costs on taxpayers...
into upstream oil and gas. The very large datasets typical of well logs or seismic data make for excessively bulky data files if regular, text-based XML encoding is used. This is in part why, according to the workgroup, POSC’s Well-LogML has had little take-up and also for the fact...
I am a Professional Engineer with 13 years of experience in geo-mechanical mining engineering and 20+ years of experience in the oil and gas industry. As a fracturing technical expert I have advised a variety of clients, including small and large Canadian and international oil and gas producers...
When renewables meet the oil and gas industry, opposites attract… Difficult to invest in green energy in Canada without Big Oil… Big Oil To Invest In Renewable Energy…” ~ Caelan MacIntyre Fred Magyar 04/28/2018 at 6:01 pm It’s real simple. For better or for worse, like it or ...
CALGARY – Enbridge Inc., battling stubborn resistance to its Northern Gateway pipeline on Canada’s West Coast, is tying the fortunes of the project to British Columbia’s liquefied natural gas industry. Abe’s Power Plan Lifts Renewables at Utilities Expense ...
Geothermal, coal seam gas, solar, wind, tidal, uranium plus plentiful supplies of coal and gas leave Australia with a lot of choices. Then of course 75% of Australia sedimentary basins are unexplored for oil. Geothermal is not that complicated, it's proven and there are virtually unlimited ...
The Calgary-based company, which was acquired by state-controlled CNOOC in 2013 for $15.1 billion, cut 400 jobs last week in North America and the United Kingdom in response to plunging global oil prices. Three sources said Nexen was closing down its trading operations worldwide, although the...