1.1 A brief outline of your jurisdiction’s natural gas sector, including a general description of: natural gas reserves; natural gas production including the extent to which production is associated or non-associated natural gas; import and export of natural gas, including liquefied natural gas (L...
Oil and Gas Lawyer Blog — Published by Oil Gas and Mineral Law Attorney — Oil and Gas Lease Lawyer — John McFarland
It is understood the ability of oil and gas companies to transfer enormous deductions between projects may also face new restrictions, and the definition of allowable deductions possibly tightened. With the resource sector warning against changes to the PRRT regime, Labor has signalled it ...
What are the key features of the environmental and health and safety regime that applies to upstream oil and gas activities? + How does the government derive value from oil and gas resources (royalties/production sharing/taxes)? Are there any special tax deductions or incentives offered? + ...
OIL AND GAS 热度: Rev.Bhina–hineseuppliersgAllChineseLegalEntitiesofGEOil&GasTANDARDTERMSOFPURCHASE-CHINESESUPPLIERSEOil&Gas所属的所有中国法律实体准购买条款—适用于中国供应商Page1of50 1.ACCEPTANCEOFTERMS1.条款之接受 Selleragreestobeboundbyandtocomplywithall卖方同意受本购买条款及订购单所规定之全部terms...
Finally, the court determined Petro-Hunt's deductions for risk-capital and depreciation were not excessive. The Bice decision brings stability to an unsettled area of North Dakota law, and the rule is likely to impact future oil and gas lease dealings in the state.Scheel...
The firm added that the full implications will “only be clear when the level of capital allowance claims available as deductions to the EPL are provided in the October budget”. Flegg argued that what any industry, including oil and gas, needs is “fiscal...
While not as immediate as IDCs, these deductions still offer considerable tax relief over time.Click to EnlargeAdditionally, oil and gas investors can also benefit from the Depletion Allowance, which allows them to deduct a percentage of the income generated by the well, reflecting the decreasing ...
MOSCOW. Dec 4 (Interfax) - Russian independent oil companies (IOC) have cut production by over 22% since 2022, Yelena Korzun, head of the Association of Independent Oil and Gas Producing Companies (AssoNeft), said at a meeting in the Federation Council....
Wintershall Dea AG took third place in terms of write-offs due to withdrawal from Russian assets, with a cost of 4.5 billion euros. Initially, the company had intended to continue with its existing projects for developing the Achimov deposits of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field, or ...