Model Oil and Gas Conservation ActNorth Dakota Oil and Gas Conservation ActOne oil and gas well results in less environmental impact and surface disruption than two wells. The number of wells required to efficiently develop an oil and gas reservoir can be significantly reduced, while increasing ...
ADNR,ADEC,andotheragencieshaveregulatoryauthorityovermostsurfaceactivities. AOGCCFunction AOGCCestablishedundertheAlaskaOilandGasConservationAct(AS31) Independent,quasi-judicialagency AlaskaAdministrativeCode,Title20,Chapter25 AuthorityoveralllandsinAlaska* Duties Preventphysicalwasteofresource Ensuregreaterultimaterecove...
1.Theseregulationsrelatingtothedrillingfor,andproductionof,oiland naturalgaswithinthejurisdictionoftheProvinceofPrinceEdward Islandmaybecitedasthe“OilandGasConservationRegulations”. (EC170/74) Citation 2.IntheseregulationsDefinitions (a)“Act”meanstheOilandNaturalGasActR.S.P.E.I.1988,Cap. ...
Oil and gas field boundaries for twelve onshore US study areas were created by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) using the Geographic Information System (GIS) software ArcGIS 8.3 as part of the EIA's role in implementing provisions of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA). ...
The principal legislation governing the development of oil and natural gas reserves is the Petroleum Act 1998 (as amended) (“Petroleum Act”). Under the Petroleum Act, all rights to petroleum including the rights to “search for, bore for and get” petroleum are vested in the Crown. An ind...
In 1988, the EPA assessed the exemption — called the Bentsen and Bevill amendments, part of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act — and claimed that “potential risk to human health and the environment were small,” even though the agency found concerning levels of lead, arsenic,...
(1)Foreign Investment and National Security Act 外国投资及国家安全法; (2)Uniform Commercial Code 统一商法典; (3)National Environment Policy Act 国家环境政策法案; (4)Federal Land Policy and Management Act 联邦土地政策及管理法案; (5)Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Act 科罗拉多州油气保护法案; (...
[section] (allowing the director of the Oil Conservation Division to "enter into an agreed compliance order with an entity against whom compliance is sought to resolve alleged violations of any provision of the Oil and Gas Act"). Fracturing regulation applied provisions for oil ...
Interim Report on Proposal Activities and No-Cost Extension Request: Continuous Airborne Measurements and Analysis of Oil & Natural Gas Emissions During the 2021 Denver-Julesburg Basin Studies. Prepared for the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and the Colorado Air Pollution Control; https:/...
as he was on hand to support the bill when it was revealed on February 28.The bill gives counties and municipalities greater control over the siting and permitting of future oil and gas wells and other infrastructure.Currently,the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission holds primary ...