Team ohnePixelwon Game 1 with16 - 6onTrain Head-to-head stats This was the first timeTeam Dosiaplayed againstTeam ohnePixel. Match prediction Strafe users had a clear favorite in this match, and predictedTeam Dosia to winwith69.7%of the votes in their favor and30.3%of the votes forTeam ...
2023.01 Team ohnepixel 16 - 6 Team dosia Team buster 1连败 4胜 0平 1负 日期 比分 视频 2023.01 Team-buster 0 - 2 Team lobanjica 2023.01 Team-buster 2 - 1 Team ohnepixel 2023.01 Team-buster 16 - 9 Team nadeking 2023.01 Team-buster 16 - 7 Team-shoke 2023.01 Team-buster 16 -...
他的关注(554) 5EPlay-数据助力观赛 解说Saki StarryEoN- Team_Spirit 他的粉丝(108.9万) 尔瑟胡迟 聪明伶俐小呆龙 氪鸡 SeeYouSeoul 查看更多 a 文章 群雄再战--Regional Series S2欧洲区即将开启! Funspark ULTI 2021 Regional Series S2战火重燃! 查看更多 a 相册 查看更多a 微博...
Name: Mark - Date of Birth: May 11, 1998 Age: 26 Germany World Ranking: N/A Country Ranking: #1768 Total Prize Money Earned: $1,500.00 From 1 Tournament Alternate IDs: ohnePixel Summary Results By: Year - Age - Game - Online/LAN - Team - League - Prize Team History Player Comparis...
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Team ohnePixel队伍的阵容是: Volodymyr Veletniuk | Woro2k(指挥) Ali Haïnouss | hAdji Vladyslav Korol | Kvem Tal Hahiashvili | meztal Meytar Amsalem | AMSALEM ohnePixel(教练)