而且,不是加拿大居民身份也可以买“安省医疗保险计划”(Ontario Health Insurance Plan 简称:OHIP)。该官网中标注:只要你是被全职雇佣和持有工签(工作许可Work Permit)也可以免费办理,并且享受正常医疗保险福利。OHIP支付你可能需要的许多健康服务。而且,OHIP保险不再有等待期,如果您符合条件,您将立即获得健康保险覆盖。...
* Temporary Resident Permit (restrictions apply) * Work Permit (restrictions apply) * Written confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada that you have applied for permanent residence in Canada and have passed the immigration medical 2. Proof of Residency - A document that displays your name...
啦!天上难道有掉馅饼的事情?!主业君再去看了看:http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/public/programs/ohip/ohipfaq_mn.aspx 来到这一页,看到第三条是这样写的:Openwork permit holders (including those in CIC’s Post-GraduationWork PermitProgram) may be eligible for Ontario health insurance ...
1. 填Registration for Ontario Health Insurance Coverage表(表格内容很简单,就不分解说明了)。 2. 准备三份能证明身份信息的文件原件:其中一份要证明自己的公民、永久居民或移民等身份(如枫叶卡、work permit或加拿大的出生证);一份要证明自己住在安省(如安省驾照);一份要有你的大名(如护照、信用卡皆可)。其他...
* Work Permit (restrictions apply) * Written confirmation from Citizenship and Immigration Canada that you have applied for permanent residence in Canada and have passed the immigration medical 2. Proof of Residency - A document that displays your name and current home address and confirms that your...