Tell all the Ohio voters you know to vote "No" on Issue 1. Send them this column. Call them up and explain what the ploy is here. The stakes are national, and the good news is that Ohio’s electorate, like most of the Midwest, is mostly center-right, reasonable and measured. When...
Show them we are paying attention and that our democracy is not for sale. Protect“One Person, One Vote.”Vote No on Issue 1 this August. John Dyce, President Ohio Association of Letter Carriers-NALC. Hanoverton
If it had passed, it would have had instant implications for a measure on November's ballot that could enshrine abortion rights in Ohio's constitution. OHIO BALLOT INITIATIVE TO MAKE IT MORE DIFFICULT TO AMEND STATE CONSTITUTION FAILS A sign urging voters to vote "no" on Issue 1 in Ohio’...
NORTH CENTRAL OHIO -- On November 5th, Ohioans will decide on Issue 1 and whether to "VOTE NO" to prevent an unelected commission from... 101 Ohio clergy endorse Donald Trump for President: “You are a man of destiny” (VIDEO)
The Issue 1 vote took on national significance given an Ohio referendum set for later this year over whether to add abortion protections to the state constitution -- a vote that would have been subjected to the 60% threshold had Tuesday's vote succeeded. ...
The "yes" vote on Issue 1 in Ohio is benefiting from an electorate that currently looks more Democratic than it did in 2020 and 2022, according to exit polls. Republicans still have an edge in party affiliation but it's narrower than it was in last year's midterms. ...
Most recently, We Are Ohio worked closely with the No On Issue 1 campaign in the special August election of 2023. Extreme lawmakers wanted to eliminate the principle of one person one vote and drastically change the laws surrounding citizen-led ballot initiatives in Ohio. Mind you, a citizen-...
The measure voters rejected Tuesday, known as Issue 1, would have required ballot questions to pass with 60% of the vote rather than a simple majority. With the count nearly completed, votes against the measure, or No votes, received 57% compared with ...
Cincinnati- a city in southern Ohio on the Ohio river capital of Ohio,Columbus- the state capital of Ohio; located in the center of the state; site of Ohio State University Dayton- a city in southwest Ohio; manufacturing center Mansfield- a town in north central Ohio ...
on Ohio Issue 1]]>Ohio voters can step up to the plate and hit an economic grand slam. A "yes" vote for Issue 1...By JamesIan A. S