By Kristin McGrath • July 17, 2023 Here's what you need to know to take full advantage of tax-free shopping the first weekend of August (4-6) in Ohio.Image: Getty During the first weekend of August, several states are holding tax-free weekends for back-to-school shoppers this ...
The State of Ohio requires counties to reappraise real property tax values every six years. In the interim, the counties are required to update values in the middle of that cycle. This cycle is not evenly distributed amongst Ohio’s 88 counties. For tax year 2023, 28 of Ohio...
2023 State Shoot Results 419-394-3128 After a super turn out for the State SCTP competition, the 137th Annual State Shoot began their “FUN SHOOT”events. Monday’s 50-Bird 22 yard Handicap Charity Event was again sponsored by Kay’s Upholstery, St. Mary’s Ohio. ...
Where is my Ohio state tax return? How long is it taking to get tax refunds right now? individual income tax return 1040 Ohio tax return status Ohio tax refund 2024 Ohio tax Login Ohio state income tax Ohio income tax calculator Ohio Department of Taxation Ohio sales tax Ohio income tax...
an act to legalize, tax and regulate the adult use of cannabis, according to a copy of LaRose’s letter Tuesday to the General Assembly. If the Republican Statehouse supermajority fails to adopt the measure within four months, the question could come before Ohio voters in November 2023. ...
俄亥俄州(State of Ohio)位于美国中东部,是五大湖地区的组成部分,别称七叶树州。该州位置适中,在横贯东西、纵贯南北的客货运输中占有重要地位。俄亥俄河的货运量比巴拿马运河多一倍。铁路总长度居美国第6位。空运发达,是商业航空线的辐辏之地。俄亥俄大学设有规模宏大的交通运输研究中心。
March 14, 2023Just the News The state of Ohio this week announced a lawsuit against Norfolk Southern in connection with the February derailment of one of its trains near the town of East Palestine. Attorney General Dave Yost filed the suit on Tuesday, contending that the railroad violated state...
One of the unsettled issues in passthrough entity taxation is whether limited partners acquire income tax nexus in the states where the limited partnership conducts business operations. Courts in Ohio and Illinois recently examined this question and reached different-butBiek, John A...
of tax-exempt securities so that, normally, distributions of annual interest income are exempt from federal regular income tax (federal regular income tax does not include the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT)) and the personal income taxes imposed by the state of Ohio and Ohio municipalities...
Ohio Can Design a Leading Prepaid Debit Card for State Tax Refunds: New Approach Can Save Millions, Help Under-Banked Families Over the last few years, state governments have begun issuing prepaid debit cards rather than paper checks for government payments to individuals. Unemploy... D Rothstein...