Rhodes led a State of Ohio Trade Mission to China.: 112 The trip resulted in developing economic ties, a sister state-province relationship with Hubei province, long-running Chinese exhibitions at the Ohio State Fair, and major academic exchanges between Ohio State University and Wuhan Unive...
Camping,swimming - Had the worse time ever...was not told the shower house is closed and that you can not swim at the beach because of the Lilly pads and seaweed..my kids was very upset..and on top of that I was told we could not hook up th the water to fill our tank on the...
Spend the Weekend (or Night) Camping Manycampgrounds in Ohioare hosting fun activities over Labor Day Weekend including, glow hayrides, kids’ games & activities, arts & crafts, animal shows, fishing contests, and much more. Cool Off at an Area Pool, Water Park, or Sprayground Labor Day we...
Back in 2009, I even picked up a super cool postcard for that year’s festival that still hangs on my desk. Thefestivalhas been going on since the late 1990s and is an equal parts camping, music and educational rural Ohio festivity. Researchers at OSU are working to find out more about...
The Backpackers Shop sells outdoor goods for backpacking, camping, canoeing, kayaking, climbing, mountaineering, and other top-notch gear and apparel that outdoorsmen and women need to be safe and successful. The store has become popular for many who love the outdoors, and it offers superior br...
If pizza or burgers are the desire, then make sure to visit Bromfield’s Dining Room or Boxer’s Lounge, at the Mohican State Park Lodge. The view from the dining room is amazing and the burgers are delicious! Camping is available year round as are the hotels, cabins and castle. The ...
Here you can learn about local history, see covered bridges, visit a state park, learn about the U.S.S. Shenandoah airship disaster, see North America’s first oil well, visit a glass museum, and much more! Outdoor activities include boating, hiking, fishing, and camping. Nearby, there...