A single-member LLC has one owner, while a multi-member LLC has multiple managing members. Your LLC name serves as a legal name for documents and shows your business’s management structure. How to start an LLC in Ohio Choose an idea for your LLC Name your Ohio LLC Create a business pl...
Streamline your LLC process with our customizable Ohio LLC Operating Agreement templates. Explore the legalities of the state to ensure you start right.
Profile I'm 38 years old, Single, located in Palm Harbor Florida. I'm a District Chief for a local fire department for the last 15 years. My highest level of education is a Master's degree in Public Administration. Having led crews on the fireground and managed diverse personnel at the...
Anyone who owns 100 percent of a business is a sole proprietor. This is a type of business entity in which one single owner is completely responsible for making the business decisions and paying its liabilities and debts. Under Ohio law, an individual owner of a sole proprietorship is the sa...
Choose The Right Transmission Crossmember For Your Vehicle It may come as a surprise to you, but not all car parts are created equal. Whether you’re off-roading in a Jeep Wrangler or hugging the curves of the road in your 350z, you have to make sure you’re particular when shopping ...
It can be difficult for the counties to fully understand specific challenges facing a particular property or property type. While the counties may generally understand market trends, often times the mass appraisal process overlooks key factors in valuing a market segment or a single property. It is...
We have a single job description at CommuniCare, "to reach out with our hearts and touch the hearts of others." Through this effort we create "Caring Communities" where staff, residents, clients, and family members care for and about one another. $30k-37k yearly est. 4d ago Call Center...