that 20 years ago, Seely had written a song about her called “I Miss Missouri,” which is where Vincent and her talented family are from. The only problem was when the great Nashville flood of 2010 hit, the song and lyrics were lost because Seely’s house was on the Cumberland River....
A concrete floodwall extending down the high bank of the river makes perfect bleachers, and at the bottom on the flat between the wall and the water, fans and festival goers are already setting out lawn chairs in the music festival ritual that allows them to claim and hold a spot for th...
Today I sw a great piece of graffiti, it had birds and spoke of reverie, oh Emily Dickinson, you never seemed so exciting I must say, but without grass or buzzing bees, we all can still have our own prairies and fireworks will serve as stars at the end of this day. Oh and the wo...
ensurethatcampgroundsandbusinessesincloseproximitytotheriverareawareofconditions. Morrow-Thereisreportedfloodingin-and-aroundMt.Gilead. WEATHER&HYDROLOGY TheNationalWeatherServicereportsthatwiththeregion’sheavyrainandsaturatedsoilsoverthe pastseveraldays,aflashfloodwatchforwestcentralandcentralOhiohasbeenextendeduntil ...
Rainfall totals in the double digits from slow-moving tropical depressions or storms can wreak extreme havoc on a region. Rivers can rise rapidly and easily exceed flood levels by a wide margin, inundating homes and businesses and in some cases making travel impossible. We saw all of that hap...
Ohio River to stay above flood stage most of week after crest at highest level in 2 decadesdoi:urn:uuid:fac0e29f1c22c410VgnVCM100000d7c1a8c0RCRDForecasters expect the Ohio River to remain above flood stage for most of this week after reaching its highest level in ...