Ohio Rev. Code §§ 2901.09, 2901.05 Self-Defense Laws Ohio adheres to the Castle Doctrine and, based on the Governor’s signing of SB 175 on January 4, 2021, is now a “stand your ground” state. There is no duty to retreat before using force in self-defense, defense of another, ...
Ohio Revised Code Sections Related to Central Committees and Boards of Elections Find out moreWelcome to the Arena It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the ...
Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.), Title 29 Crimes-Procedure, Sections 2923.11 through 2923.30, Weapons Control Carrying a concealed handgun without a license — Section 2923.111 Carrying concealed weapons; affirmative defenses — Section 2923.12 Possession of firearm in liquor permit premises — Section 292...
The state restricts concealed carry of all deadly weapons, not just guns. Under Ohio Revised Code Section 2923.12, no person is permitted to carry or have concealed on their person or ready at hand a deadly weapon other than a handgun. The statute defines deadly weapon this way: "Deadly wea...
The new revised speech will provide context for “ the black national anthem” explaining how “Lift Every Voice and Sing” sets “an atmosphere of reverence for the journey of people of color, gratitude for the selfless sacrifices of their ancestors and for the inheritance of indomitability and...
(vi) A certificate of self-insurance as provided in section 4509.72 of the Revised Code. (b) A person also may present proof of financial responsibility under this section to the traffic violations bureau, court, registrar, or peace officer through use of an electronic wireless communications ...
The revised order requires that physicians, hospital or clinic administrators, those in charge of laboratories testing samples for COVID-19 and “any individual having knowledge of a person suffering from COVID-19” report confirmed or “probable” cases to the local health district where the infec...
” asked a celebrity–one I will not name here–in defense of encouraging undocumented immigration. In the Midwest, we scrub our own toilets. I, myself, worked as a hotel housekeeper and laundry attendant back in the day. I also worked agricultural jobs like picking strawberries in the ...
Ohio is one state that has no laws that directly address video surveillance. However, they do have laws about wiretapping and attempts to "intercept a wire, oral or electronic communication." UnderOhio Revised Code Section 2933.51, the wiretapping statute, all unauthorized interceptions of these co...
The Department of Health and the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services both issued revised proposals Wednesday after gathering public comment. Both said in memos that they were swayed by what they had learned as transgender people and care providers weighed in. The Health D...