Chapter 5739 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws (A) Notwithstanding sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, 5739.026, 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code, and except as otherwise provided in division (B) of ...
Williams said the bill’s intention is to modernize Ohio’s revised code regarding obscenity viewed by minors, not to effectively ban drag in Ohio. The lawmaker stressed that the proposed measure only means to prohibit shows “harmful to juveniles,” with events like drag story time readi...
For additional information, the Land Contract OhioRevised Code – Chapter 5313provides requirements and other pertinent information on land installment contracts regarding real property in Ohio. You may also use their search feature to examine specific matters regarding Ohio land contracts. Recording a Co...
Property Division Ohio is an "equitable distribution" state. Divorce Courts Divide Assets and Liabilities Equitably- information provided by the Ohio State Bar Association Equitable Division of Marital and Separate Property - Distributive Award- Ohio Revised Code 3105.171 ...
Ohio Revised Code Section 5321.05 Tenant’s Right to Notice of Foreclosure Provides tenants with notice rights in the event of foreclosure on the property they are renting. Ohio Revised Code Section 5321.07 Termination of Rental Agreement Establishes notice requirements for terminating lease agreements, ...
According to Ohio Revised Code Section 2917.11, all of the following can be considered disorderly conduct in certain circumstances. Engaging in fighting Threatening harm to persons or property Engaging in violent or turbulent behavior Making unreasonable noise Making an offensively coarse utterance, ...
OHIO REVISED CODE Petition for heirship by administrator of estate of intestate minor seeking adjudication that parent abandoned child Commenced within 4 months from date administrator receives letters of administration §2105.10(E) Application to vacate or change designation of heir ...
When couples are unable to reach agreement on property division, Ohio courts will step in and make the decision for them. When making an equitable distribution of property, Ohio courts must evaluate several factors, all of which are set forth in Section 3105.171 of the Ohio Revised Code. These...
Revised Code Chapter 5321 ♦ Applies to residential leases, except: – Condominiums – Hotels, motels, tourist homes – Boarding schools – Jails ♦ Does not apply to commercial leases Forbidden Lease Terms ♦ R.C. 5321.13 ♦ Agreement to pay ...
Boards of education and their administrators should take note that new Section 3313.5317 of the Ohio Revised Code, enacted through Senate Bill 181, took effect on May 30, 2022. This new law prohibits a board of education, governing body of a non-public school, an interscholastic athl...