The Iroquois lived on the lands south and east of Lake Ontario. Almost all of the native groups living in Ohio were related to these two major cultures that were constantly at war with each other. About this time the groups from the Iroquois Confederacy located in New York, began a ...
Historically, Ohio was the 4th state admitted to the Union in 1803, just 20 years after the Revolutionary War. The first state to be formed from lands that had been originally assigned by treaty to Native Americans. This fact meant Ohio would be forged out of conflict. While treaties may ...
Among the most important things to investigate when searching for property or hunting lands for sale in Ohio are the zoning laws for that area. Make sure you're able to do what you want, such as build a residence or hunt. Also, look into the utilities in the area, especially if you ...
You can click here to see the map. It shows the Great Plains states seem to be pretty happy with their neighbors. Meanwhile, much of the Midwest and Northeast consider their states very rude. Find out where your home state lands in this self loathing survey from YouGov by clicking here....