Ohio court: Wording of pot legalization ballot is misleadingBy ANN SANNER
CLEVELAND, Ohio --Pot failed at the polls Tuesday in Ohio but it might still be a boon for legalization, a setback that nonetheless helps the movement avoid charges of greed, corruption and the rise of "big pot". The loss feels like a win in disguise because of the baldly profit-driven...
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A new poll finds most Ohioans support legalization, but the campaign is stirring up controversy, reports CBS News correspondent Barry Petersen. Ian James, who spent 30 years as a campaign strategist in Ohio, is leading the charge to legalize pot in Ohio. He said his experience of working wi...
Ohio is often seen as bellwether for the country on controversial issues, so the defeat here could indicate a long road ahead for supporters of legalized marijuana. The language of the Ohio measure divided marijuana supporters. While the initiative would have allowed adults to smoke pot without l...
Pot Legalization Plan Clears Board ; Petitions Will Now Start Being Circulated by ResponsibleOhioBischoff, Laura A