FIRSTENERGY OHIO UTILITIES’ PIPP RFP Forms PIPP Supplier Application Online Account Request Form The RFP Process for Procuring PIPP Supply The PIPP RFP process is a solicitation by which The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, The Toledo Edison Company, and Ohio Edison Company ("FirstEnergy ...
application. Following the horror of the Hamas October 7 massacre and the cheers from some of the Arab world, the petitioner called us and asked us to withdraw her application. I had a long talk with her, where I told her to hold off withdrawing the application and to wait till things ...
The PIPP RFP process is a solicitation by which Duke Energy Ohio is seeking to procure full requirements service for their Percentage of Income Payment Plan (“PIPP”) customers. Winning Bidders will assume all responsibilities of a Load Serving Entity (“LSE”) in PJM. Only Competitive Retail...