A one-stop resource for information on how charter schools are performing, what they cost and how they are spending taxpayer dollars. The data comes from public sources, principally the Ohio Department of Education.
Richard Allen Schools is creating lifelong learners! Our compassionate and highly-trained teachers work very hard to instill a love of learning in every child! Learn more and enroll your child today!
Richard Allen Schools is creating lifelong learners! Our compassionate and highly-trained teachers work very hard to instill a love of learning in every child! Learn more and enroll your child today!
Charter Schools Cities Community Colleges Counties School Districts Special Districts State of Ohio Townships Universities VillagesState/District Navigation Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky...
Online charters—also known as e-schools—are not included in a typology, since they can enroll students statewide. Public School Students in Urban Areas Students living in urban areas come from various racial and ethnic backgrounds, and almost nine in ten are identified as economically ...
Charter School Yes District This information relates to schools run by this school's state operating agency. Many districts contain only one school. School information is provided by the government. Total Schools (all grades) 1 Total Students (all grades) 628 Middle Schoolers Proficient in Reading...
school data school profile information is based on government data. graduation rate n/a grades served 9-12 setting remote rural charter school no magnet school n/a eligible for title i funding yes district this information relates to high schools run by this school's...
Analysis: Ohio charter schools under legal fireROBERT SIEGEL, SCOTT SIMON
Last year, roughly one-third of Ohio districts and charter schools used state-approved science of reading curricula for kindergarten through fifth grades,according to an Ohio Department of Education and Workforce survey. Other districts were supplementing three cueing with t...
Schools Districts Grade level Clear filter Pre-K Elementary Middle High school Highest grade offered School type Public Traditional Charter Magnet Private Religion Catholic Christian Jewish Islamic Boarding status Coed status Specialty Online Special education ...