Marijuana Legalization in OhioBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksSmith, Mark Caleb
Ohioans could possess up to 99 plants and 99 kilograms of marijuana for personal use. Would release inmates in prison and jail for marijuana crimes and expunge records for committing marijuana-related crimes legalized by the amendment. Does not tax marijuana sales but allows sales tax to be appli...
Ohio voters approved a measure legalizing recreational marijuana, defying Republican legislative leaders who had failed to pass the proposed law.
Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know Should marijuana be legalized? Public opinion in the United States couldn't be more evenly divided; the latest Gallup poll reports that exactly half of Americans say "Yes." Marijuana is forbidden by international treaties and by national... JP ...
The Drug Free America Foundation released a new report showing that states that have legalized or weakened restrictions around high-THC marijuana, either for medical or recreational use, saw 32% more marijuana-impaired driving than states that have not adopted the same policies. ...
Medical marijuana legalization sent to Ohio governorBy JULIE CARR SMYTH
Debate to Legalize Marijuana Flares in Ohio ; If Ballot Issue Passes, State Would Go from Ban to Full LegalizationBischoff, Laura A
Ohio Legislature Strikes Back Against Marijuana Legalization Bid.Lawmakers are putting a second measure on the ballot to block
NBA great backing marijuana legalization campaign in OhioBy JOHN SEEWER
All or Nothing? Ohio Voters Weigh in on Marijuana LegalizationA Tuesday vote on marijuana in Ohio will legalize the drug forall uses or none in one go, but it...Schouten, Lucy