Not only does this cost you more money and delay the process, a failed clearance exam is something you have to disclose to renters or buyers of the property. To avoid failures, we are very generous with the time we spend with our free phone consultation, and usually that is enough for ...
Ohio doesn’t have any set laws for dealing with a tenant’s belongings after they have been evicted. Some counties allow the owner to remove the tenant's property from the unit, which they may use as a lien for damages or payment. Illegal and Retaliatory Evictions Under Ohio law, a lan...
“When local authorities do not allow builders to construct affordable homes, the wealth of current area homeowners will continue to grow in proportion to local renters — in so many places around the country, this is what is driving the increasing racial wealth gap.” Other factors where some ...
Ohio tenancy laws require Lessors to include essential disclosures in the lease agreement, such as: The name and address of the Lessee (Owner) and details of any representing agent. Disclosure of lead-based paint presence for buildings built before 1978 is mandated, with non-compliance potentially...
a young woman in a coma. She was not “terminal” but had never prepared written instructions advising health care providers how she wanted to be treated. The public battle between her husband and her parents caused many states to pass laws permitting or formalizing such “advanced directives....
For renters:Biden said his administration is “cracking down on big corporations that break anti-trust laws by price-fixing to keep the rents out,” as well as going after rental “junk fees … one of those surprise ‘convenience fees’ that aren’t convenient at all.” ...
Should You Go Solar if You Live on the East Coast: What You Want to Know Faith Foushee Read more from Faith Faith Foushee is a CNET contributor and a former writer for, covering energy-efficient products, renewables and other energy topics. She enjoys learning about new ene...
Condo & Renters Insurance Customized policies, worry-free living Motorcycle Insurance Ride fearlessly, enjoy the journey We shop the best insurance rates and coverage for you. Explore all services. PERSONAL INSURANCE WHY WORK WITH BELLWETHER INSURANCE ...