Tuesday’s “Yes” vote on Ohio’s Issue 1adds another tick in the “W” column for abortion rights, as anti-abortion forces have now lost every single time the people have been directly asked whether the government should be able to force us to stay pregnant against our will. It’s a...
Issue 1 is the only abortion-related proposal that is directly before voters this year. But following the Supreme Court's decisionoverturning Roe v. Waderoughly 17 months ago, Ohio is one of several states where abortion rights supporters are looking to citizen-driven ballot initiatives ...
Abortion-rights activists saw Issue 1’s defeat as a victory, with a November abortion-rights vote on the horizon in the Buckeye State. Zach Montellaro, National political reporter Aug. 8 election results Issue One Require 60 percent approval on future state constitutional amendments? +- W.Va...
Ohio already has a "redistricting commission," created by a statewide vote in 2015, and it is a part of the state constitution. Its makeup and mandate are clear and easy to understand — its seven members include the governor, the secretary of State and the state auditor and one appointe...
Cuyahoga County HHS levy passed by one of the largest margins in recent memory Cuyahoga County's Health and Human Services levy, Issue 26, passed with 71.1% of the vote, which is a higher percentage than any election in recent memory. ...
“Ohio, we did it. Tonight is a major victory for democracy in Ohio,” said Dennis Willard, a spokesman for the coalition One Person, One Vote. “The majority still rules for democracy in Ohio. The people’s power has been preserved.” ...
It’s the only county in Ohio to vote for the winner of the last four presidential elections — one of just 25 counties in the United States to vote for former President Barack Obama twice, pivot to former President Donald Trump in 2016 and boomerang to President Joe Biden in 2020. The ...
Heather Williams, interim president of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, which works to elect Democrats to state legislatures, said the vote in favor of abortion rights was a “huge victory.” Issue 1 supporters cheer as they watch election results come in, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023,...
Sri Thakkilapati, the executive director of the Cleveland-based nonprofit abortion clinic Preterm, said the effect of the Ohio vote will reverberate throughout the country. “When we restrict access in one state, other states have to take up that patient ...
on Ohio Issue 1]]>Ohio voters can step up to the plate and hit an economic grand slam. A "yes" vote for Issue 1...By JamesIan A. S