Later the same day it passed the House by a vote of 72-12. What just happened? SportHandle’s Slack channels were abuzz. The passage of H.B. 29 came suddenly, but it was the result of several months of behind-closed-door negotiations. The Ohio sports betting bill became a monumental ...
Ohio House Budget Vote a Huge Victory for School Choice
The 2024 presidential election marks a rite of passage for my fourth child: knocking on doors to get out the vote, or GOTV. It’s not the first time he’s witnessed the importance I place on active citizenship — I often take my children with me when I vote, have them help me with ...
Ohio County restaurant owners call for vote on smokingNot Availabledoi:10.1007/BF02525903Harris, LindaSpringer-VerlagBulletin Géodésique
Ohio delegates vote for Bush in Electoral College; Legal challenge in state ongoing.(NATION)