buildingcodes&relatedstandardsinordertoplan,direct&coordinateallactivitiesofinspectionbureau&supervisefire safetyinspectionsupervisors&otheradministrativesupportpersonnel. 2OF4 CLASSTITLECLASSNUMBERB.U.EFFECTIVEPAYRANGE FireSafetyInspector265210701/09/200530 JOBDUTIESINORDEROFIMPORTANCE:(Thesedutiesareillustrativeonly.Incum...
They allowed the inspector general report to come out (but if State were really on top of things, they would have had an inspector general in office throughout Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, but, instead, there was never an inspector general at State for the whole of Clinton’s...
Since 2004,HomeSpection® Training Institutehas offered world-class, home inspection training from one of the best instructors in the industry. Joe Jefferys is an Ohio Licensed Home Inspector and a Certified Master Inspector with 48 years of experience and over 17,000 inspections under his belt!