Cleveland’s Innerbelt Bridge was completed in two design-build phases and was the first design-build project for the OH-DOT. GRL performed… Read more Gordie Howe International Bridge Awarded The GRL Ohio office has provided extensive testing services on the award-winning Gordie Howe International...
from want and from fear), 1961’s “Golden Rule” (a version of which Nancy Reagan gifted the United Nations in 1985) and 1964’s iconic “The Problem We Live With” in which 6-year-old Ruby Bridges walks to school escorted by four U.S. ...
The first year of the railroad’s operations was a bit like primitive camping. The “ticket” booth was a tarp strung between two trees and the surface of the parking lot was solid cinder recently reclaimed from a forest (via my uncle’s bulldozer). Cinder makes a nice surface when its ...
Jonathan Westerling reported, “According to FAA Report DOT/FAA/PM-87/32, the Western & Southern Heliport lasted as long as it didbecause of the support of the [Western & Southern] insurance company President.He understood that the value of a heliport ls not always measured with dollars & ...
Thin sections were also used in determining the average grain size of paleosols, to determine if illuviated clays were present within the paleosols, and to observe rhizoliths and other biogenic structures not visible in hand samples. Size, type, abundance, and orientation of mottles and rhizo...