Feb. 2, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife... Deer type checked this season. Does: 115,683 (49%). Antlered bucks: 97,618 (41%). Button bucks: 21,689 (9%). Ohio hunters were issued 431,660 deer permits across all hunting seasons... ...
The show this week is with Mike Tonkovich and Clint Mccoy of ODW to discuss the results of the 2023-2024 Deer season. Some good numbers, and perhaps some concerning numbers along the way, but the guys talk the biology of managing the deer heard in Ohio into the future. Paul spent the...
Deer kill up in both Ohio seasons so farOUTDOORS JIM MORRIS
There is concern by many that the endangered Ohio population of sandhill cranes will be shot during the hunting seasons in Tennessee and Kentucky. It is virtually impossible to distinguish Ohio population cranes from Ohio from those from Wisconsin and Michigan during migration. The following migration...