alocal-option sales taxthat ranges from 0% to 2.25% across the state, with an average local tax of 1.5% (for a total of 7.25% when combined with the state sales tax). The maximum local tax rate allowed by Ohio law is 2.25%.You can lookup Ohio city and county sales tax rates here...
Schedule Structures provide a means of allowing different groups of students (by grade level, by different terms, by different day layout) to have a unique layout for their learning day. DoNOTcreate multiple Schedule Structures within a calendar. Instead, create multiple, unique calendars for each...
If multiple sections exist in the mapped Correlated Course or Second Correlated Course, they are reported by order of occurrence. Only courses with the following curriculum will be reported (Course > Curriculum): VT: Career Tech Ed Tech Prep Non-Cooperative Anchor ...
Ohio General Enrollment Information Editor General Enrollment Information Enrollment Start Status indicates the reason for beginning the student enrollment, whether entering the school or district or continuing on from another grade. End Status indicates the reason for ending the enrollment, such as leaving...