it’s our team’s goal to be that partner for you. With a family history in factory-built housing that stretches back over 50 years, we’ve had time to develop a deep understanding of manufactured and modular homes and the advantages they provide to homebuyers and homeowners. We can help...
Excellent schools and affordable childcare options provide a strong foundation for y... Read More Great Lakes Exploration Glide across Lake Erie's shimmering surface and discover a world of island enchantment. Scenic cruises and ferry rides whisk you past emerald waters and sailboat silhouettes, ...
Due to inflation eating away at earnings and less supply of affordable housing, the majority of Americans today cannot afford median rent prices, according to a new report by the real estate company Redfin. The analysis comes as other reports indicate that both homeowners and renters are strugglin...
Nearly $30 million in taxpayer-funded grants are going to 17 Ohio local organizations to grow access to affordable housing across the state. The money is the first round of the state’s new Welcome Home Ohio program, which is expected to spend $100 million over two years to help landbanks...
Ohio's two year spending plan includes $100 million in tax credits to help finance 4,000 new rental units over the next four years. This money is in addition to $50 million recently approved by the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority to support four affordable housing projects in central ...
While affordable housing is the foundation of neighborhood revitalization, retail commercial development is also a pressing development issue facing urban legacy city neighborhoods. Retail opportunity in urban legacy city neighborhoods has been decimated over many years as population has declined, and ...
Thus, their loss, in addition to being a significant economic negative and a loss of affordable housing stock, also constitutes an erosion of architectural distinctness and community identify. But unlike historic properties, for which numerous programs exist to encourage and support their preservation,...
Find classifieds, Ads and local listings of businesses and services near you. Post Buy/Sell Classifieds/Ads for Free, Products and Services Discounted, Local, Affordable for your Home, Pet, Vehicle, Family, Wellness and Business on Kettering,Ohio-ketteri
Find classifieds, Ads and local listings of businesses and services near you. Post Buy/Sell Classifieds/Ads for Free, Products and Services Discounted, Local, Affordable for your Home, Pet, Vehicle, Family, Wellness and Business on Beavercreek,Ohio-beave
But most Republicans voters I know generally want the same things I do — safe communities, good jobs and schools, affordable housing, food and durable goods. Which policies can accomplish these goals is where we often, but not always, disagree, and where civil discourse should be encouraged....