Linked 0 Pass autocomplete only works directly after installing oh-my-zsh Related 5 Zsh super slow inside my Git repo 6 zsh history up-arrow history completion not working 8 zsh initial working directory 2 How do I fix the serious lag with rake autocomplete in oh-my-zsh 1 Disable...
事实上,我认为,shell自带的tab提示候选已经足够了,如果在配合轻量的autocomplete插件,则更加高效,但是incr虽然可以动态提示,但是开销较大,影响性能 incr插件本身不依赖于oh-my-zsh框架,只需要原始的zsh(zshell)就可以驱动该插件 下载时,为了和oh my zsh 插件目录结...
Interestingly though, I am finding when I use uv run file_i_want_to_run.py, the Python file I want to run won't autocomplete with tab the way it normally does when running things just plainly with python file_i_want_to_run.py. I've enabled all the autocomplete settings that are in...
plugins=(git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting fast-syntax-highlighting zsh-autocomplete) source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh # User configuration # export MANPATH="/usr/local/man:$MANPATH" # You may need to manually set your language environment ...
What are ZSH themes and how can I use them? ZSH themes change the appearance of your command prompt. You can use them by configuring the `.zshrc` file, often using a framework like Oh-My-Zsh which offers numerous themes. How does ZSH improve autocomplete features?
1. Installing zsh and changing the shell 2. Install oh my zsh 3. Install powerlevel10k theme for oh my zsh 4. First time set up for powerleve10k More configuration (advanced usage) 5. Installing dracula GNOME Terminal theme 6. Autocomplete and syntax highlighting for zsh ...
nano ~/.zshrc plugins=(git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting fast-syntax-highlighting zsh-autocomplete) source~/.zshrc REF: https://gist.github.com/n1snt/454b879b8f0b7995740ae04c5fb5b7df theme
I'm a big fan ofoh my zsh, but recently I had a small problem upgrading it. The error message I got indicated that I had a changed file that couldn't be overwritten automatically. My suspicion is that I installed some docker autocomplete plugin that I somehow didn't install quite correc...
For example, if you want to run the Git checkout and switch to a branch named “feature-branch”, you can type “git checkout fea” and then press “Tab” to autocomplete the branch name. Git Syntax Highlighting As you can guess, the plugin also adds a syntax highlighting to Git comma...