a我们的口号是:在世界地球日来临之际,我们呼吁大家认识地球,善待地球,从我做起,从现在做起。 Our slogan is: Approaches time the world earth day, we appealed everybody knows the Earth, handle kindlies the Earth, starts from me, starts from the present.[translate] ...
A brand isn’t a logo, a slogan, or some tired list of awards - it’s an emotion. A brand is everything that happens between you and your consumer. It's the electric moment where they trade hard-earned dollars for the way your product makes them feel. ...
Each of our classmates, with an excited emotion, stood on the track. There was a firm step. We stepped forward with determination and pride, and shouted out our slogan... At this moment, we may have an idea in our hearts. This may be youth. On the playground, on the road of life,...
5、Life is like music,It must be composed by ear, feeling a-n-d instinct, not by rule.人生如一首乐曲,要用乐感,感情和直觉去谱写,不能只按乐律行事。 6、The wealth of the mind is the only wealth.精神的财富是唯一的财富。 7、You cant judge a tree by its bark.人不可貌相。 8、Sharp...
I don't care which of the 3 movies you might refer to, but any one of them just makes you feel good and gives you such a warm feeling in your heart. It is only a shame that some people can't just live forever. The previous reviewer's suggestion just might make for an interesting...
Modifica Quiz Jan-Ole Gerster's debut was the unexpected box-office success in Germany 2012 with more than $2mio. It also won the German Film Award for best pictures, best script and best directing 2013. Citazioni Niko Fischer: Do you know what it's like... to have the feeling that...
He purchases two thinking, feeling beings — R2-D2 and C-3PO — from the Jawas. And what’s the very first thing he does with them? He shackles them! He welds restraining bolts onto them to keep them from trying to escape, and throughout C-3PO has to call Luke “master”. ...
Jonah Goldberg: The benefit of Bush’s compassionate conservatism [in 2000] was that it was majorly a marketing slogan… Alex Chadwick: You mean you’re worried Mike Huckabee might actually mean it? Goldberg: Yes, that’s what I’m terrified of. ...
She wonders why she’s feeling so feverish, and gets ejected from Bong-sun’s body like the last time when she came down with a cold. Bong-sun thinks Soon-ae came out on purpose to talk to her, and Soon-ae just goes with that. ...
Luke Skywalker is portrayed in 1977's Star Wars: A New Hope as an absolutely virtuous hero, but when we first meet him, what is he doing? Why, buying slaves! He purchases two thinking, feeling beings — R2-D2 and C-3PO — from the Jawas. And what's the very first thing he ...