Think a trip on a ship想象一下在船上旅行 To the vipper of Vipp敬Vipp的毒蛇 Or to Solla Sollew或者去索拉索 Think of beautiful schlopp With a cherry on top上面挂着一颗樱桃 You don't need an excuse你不需要借口 Oh the thinks you can think你胡思乱想 When you think about Seuss...
舞台纯享:《Oh the thinks you can think》大胆去做你想做的吧! 节目简介 宝贝有戏·天籁童声 播出:芒果TV 主持人:未知 地区:内地 类型:音乐/ 真人秀 简介:《宝贝有戏·天籁童声》是一档少儿音乐治愈系综艺节目,两位固定音乐导师将与13位热爱音乐的孩子们度过愉快的假期,不仅在生活上对孩子们无微不至的照顾...
Oh The Thinks You Can Think 想你所想 By Dr.Seuss 苏斯博士 You can think up some birds. That’s what you can do. You can think about yellow or think about blue… 你可以想象一些鸟。这是你所能做的。你可以想象黄色,也可以想象...
Oh The Thinks You Can Think 想你所想 By Dr.Seuss 苏斯博士 You can think up some birds. That’s what you can do. You can think about yellow or think about blue… 你可以想象一些鸟。这是你所能做的。你可以想象黄色,也可以想象蓝色…… ...
《Oh, The Thinks You Can Think》是Various Artists演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Broadway - America's Music》。歌曲歌词 After all of those years being stuck on a page Did you ever imagine you'd see me onstage Now I'm here There's no telling what may ensue No there's no telling what But I...
OhTheThinksYouCanThink想你所想@睡前故事 《Oh The Thinks You Can Think 想你所想》作者Dr. Seuss苏斯博士,他以其独特的绘画风格、极具韵律性的语言和重复使用尽量少的词汇来讲述或无厘头或搞笑的故事闻名。 You can think up some birds. That’s what you can do. You can think about yellow or think...
Finale: Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!Brian Michael Hoffman、Karen Weinberg、Shorey Walker酷狗音乐,让音乐改变世界 查看完整歌词 设为彩铃 AI·DJ AI唢呐 AI钢琴 AI骨笛 AI伴奏 AI清唱 AI尤克 AI调速 下载歌曲打开酷狗 评论歌手 精彩评论 还没有人发评论,快来抢沙发吧! 歌手 Brian Michael Hoffman 0粉丝...
绘本《Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!》,Penguin Random House 绘本内容 《你能有多少奇思妙想》是体现苏斯博士经典风格的又一本好书!想象力是苏斯博士一贯奉行的儿童教育准则。你能有多少奇思妙想中有着奇妙的色彩搭配 ( 黑水、白天、绿色怪鸟的粉色头发、色彩斑斓的手套等 ) ,形状古怪、长着几截尾巴的 Gu...
Oh the thinks you can think If you're willing to try Think invisible ink Or a fink with a stink Or a stair to the sky If you open your mind Oh the thinks you will find Lining up to get loose Oh the thinks you can think When you think about Seuss Seuss Seuss ...