It’s a song, too, because Byron was filking an existing set of folksong lyrics that were about womanizing. With a chorus as the fifth line of the stanzas. They’re jolly lyrics and it’s a jolly tune, so it’s pretty hilarious to sing Byron’s filk that way. There’s a Leonard...
So I sent him the video for Ringa Linga and that prompted a passionate discussion about how Kpop blends Korean and English lyrics together, so we were talking about that and what the reasons might be for it, which made me realize that I wouldn’t mind spending my days researching these th...
David Bowie and producer Tony Visconti used to joke with each album that they were going to make theirSgt. Pepper.WithScary Monstersthey came close to pulling it it off, kicked off the New Romantic movement in the process. The sinister swagger of “Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)” is o...
Mark’s imagery is so vivid – and he delivers his lyrics with such a compelling and memorable melody – that he makes you visualize him as he stumbles around in existential uncertainty. vandaveer1 But the kicker of the song comes at the end, when Mark makes you feel a universal connection...
To preface: This is from a really shitty vacation I took to shitty Ocracoke back in 2006 with a really shitty woman and her decent husband. We stayed in a little beach house that was smack dab in rapist village. There were no street lights anywhere. It was scary. Even for me and I ...
So here’s what grabbed me as I was reading this morning: And you shall remember the whole way that the LORD your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness,that He might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart,whether you would keep His commandments or not....
"Oh Messy Life" lyricsCap'n Jazz Lyrics "Oh Messy Life"Fire is motion Work is repetition This is my document We are all all we've done We are all all we've done We are all all we've done We are all all defenses Fire is motion, is motion growth? And you are colder than old...
It was written as a gospel song for children, but for much of my adult life, I have related to the lyrics when feeling aligned with who I was called to be. In order to let your light shine, you have to like yourself. Full Disclosure:I’ve never had an issue with liking who I am...
And this became our song. Jeremy and I have talked every day since that first date. And while we were falling in love, living 100 miles apart, I would fall asleep listening to this song. He would text me lyrics from this song. We would slow dance together to this song. And even now...
As scary as it is to leave familiar ways of being behind, it's really the only option. That sense of impending doom might just be what the caterpillar is feeling -- before the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. Show full comment 0 reply pigbit May 26, 2016 at 9:58 AM I ...