Quick card search Customised Background and Card Cover Multi-language(简体中文, 繁体中文, 日本語, English) Setup You need to setup the card database and images by yourself (Online setup is disabled due to resourse limitation) or install YGO Mobile. Database: Find a latestcard.cdbfile fromygo...
• New Link Monster cards, not only changing the way how seasoned Duelists play their cards, but where they play them • Faithful to the TV show, relive moments and Duels from every version of the animated series • New Duelists can learn the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME with ...
Just 2 or 3 rounds the battle will be finished. The wait time is just too long for every round, this makes the game not interesting. The duel design should limit the card in a certain way to minimise the the waiting time. I see that Yu Gi Oh is trying to do great things to bring...
No. of players Single System (1) Local wireless (2) Online (2) Genre Narrative adventure Tabletop Publisher KONAMI Developer Other Ocean Interactive ESRB rating Teen Supported play modes TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode Game file size ...
Home | Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG CARD DATABASE|This is an official site for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. You can search through all Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG cards, check detailed rules, and view the Forbidden & Limited List. You can also manage your own cards and D
No. of players Single System (1) Local wireless (2) Online (2) Genre Puzzle Board game Role-playing Strategy Publisher KONAMI Developer Matrix software ESRB rating Everyone Supported play modes TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode Game file size ...
以成爲常規賽No1為目標! ◇卡牌插圖中包含的故事劇情! 搭載單人模式,即使是一個人也能盡性! 深入了解卡牌相關的各種故事劇情,提高決鬥段位! 不僅推薦給想要更深入體驗遊戯王世界的玩家,也推薦給第一次玩或者久未接觸的玩家! ◇多種功能支持決鬥! 可與手機遊戲「Yu-Gi-Oh!Neuron」連擕!
以成爲常規賽No1為目標! ◇卡牌插圖中包含的故事劇情! 搭載單人模式,即使是一個人也能盡性! 深入了解卡牌相關的各種故事劇情,提高決鬥段位! 不僅推薦給想要更深入體驗遊戯王世界的玩家,也推薦給第一次玩或者久未接觸的玩家! ◇多種功能支持決鬥! 可與手機遊戲「Yu-Gi-Oh!Neuron」連擕! 參考世界各地的DUELIST的...
No Category Name / Main Cards 1 Maliss ∧ 2 Primite + Blue-Eyes ∧ 3 Ryzeal + Fiendsmith ∧ 4 Ryzeal ∧ 5 Mitsurugi + Ryzeal ∧ 6 Blue-Eyes ∧ 7 Mermail + Atlantean ∧ 8 Fire King ∧ 9 Fiendsmith + White Forest + Diabellstar ∧ 10 Tenpai Dragon ∧ 11 Mem...
Card(half the size of 1st place)• Top Cut: Time Wizard Tournament Game Mat Win-A-Mat 8 Advanced Format – Single-Elimination (Ongoing) 3 Booster Packs • 1st Place: Win-A-Mat Game Mat Yu-Gi-Oh! Charity Tournament Unlimited Advanced Format Swiss (No Playoff Cut) 4 Tournament Packs...