Right here waiting Oceans apart day aft 分享32赞 魏如萱吧 kevfire12 20120608 OH夜DJ语录广播语录 (after Nicki Minaj_Starships) 这首歌叫〈Starships〉,唱歌的是Nicki Minaj,她在乍看之下会有一点像Lady Gaga的外表,但如果你仔细去听她 分享5赞 徐怀钰吧 猥瑣地大叔 『钰生相随』为什么每次在综艺听到让...
What is your favorite interaction you’ve had on Twitter? This is less an interaction and more a shout out, but Nicki Minaj once tweeted one of my articles and turned my name into a hashtag (hence my display name on Twitter). It was so weird and random, and I think my fr...
Copyright Paul Janicki 2015 Licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License (www.tapr.org/OHL) This documentation is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ...
[Chorus] Step by step, heart to heart, l 分享251 nickiminaj吧 ✨Ga 【Pink Friday】求歌词 求歌词 又准备到寝室去吵人了每次 一首歌 我会唱几个月 并且经常只唱那几句 到最后是唱得 人神共愤啊。。。像super bass 只要我唱can you hear that 大家都会BOOM BOOM BOOM 一顿 分享16赞 好听的歌...
You know girl just go head without me I love to watch you leave that's so lovely Do it slow mo baby just to tease me Give me some don't you dare give up so easily Shimmy shimmy yeah drink the chimey yay I'm in the limousine pouring the rose Pink lamborghini Nicki come to play...