eval "$(oh-my-posh --init --shell zsh --config 主题路径)" 在Windows 的 Linux 子系统中使用 Oh my posh 无需像一般 GNU/Linux 那样另外安装,可以采用oh-my-posh-wsl命令。需要注意,WSL 上同一文件的路径和 Windows 是不一样的,c:/应该写成/mnt/c/,例如,WSL 上的 Ubuntu .bashrc 文件应该添加: ...
dotfiles wallpaper terminal powershell wallpapers ricing vscode-settings wsl-ubuntu windows-11 windows-terminal wsl2 flow-launcher ohmyposh fastfetch catppuccin glazewm windhawk Updated Dec 19, 2024 PowerShell 0x61nas / dotfiles Star 16 Code Issues Pull requests My dotfiles config ...
I want to apply oh-my-posh on wsl. With the doc I successfully installed it on Powershell and WSL. But I found a question. When I start bash on Ubuntu with Windows Terminal, oh-my-posh seems not work immediately. I can run oh-my-posh by doing "exec bash" after starting the bash...
添加以下内容,在每次打开PowerShell的时候,就会执行里面的命令 Import-Moduleposh-gitImport-Moduleoh-my-poshSet-PoshPrompt-Themehonukai 保存并退出,重新打开PowerShell,你就会看到你选择的主题了 这里和微软官方的文档不同,因为oh-my-posh的新版本使用go来重写了,指令发生了变化,所以旧的命令是无效的 WindowsTermina...
https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/terminal/tutorials/powerline-setup#set-up-powerline-in-wsl-ubuntu 但是微软给出的文档有坑,到本文编写的时候文档还没有进行修改,不妨按照我的步骤来设置 安装OhMyPosh 的字体 如果不安装字体,最后终端可能会出现乱码 ...
Step Two for Ubuntu/WSL There's a number of choices for Powerline or Powerline-like prompts from Ubuntu. I like Powerline-Go for it's easy defaults. I just installed Go, then installedpowerline-gowith go get. sudo apt install golang-go ...
https://ohmyposh.dev Oh My Posh是一个自定义的提示引擎,适用于任何shell,能够用函数或变量调整提示字符串。 传统上,提示工具是通过每个主题的自定义脚本(就像Oh My Posh 2那样)或大量的CLI配置开关来定义它的外观。对于Oh My Posh,我想从一个单一的配置文件开始,可以很容易地在任何地方共享,消除了真正掌握下...
I was trying to install oh-my-posh, succeeded on one computer but for whatever reason, when tried to replicate the process on another computer it failed. Find here an image about the process I followed: Theme Installation Failed What OS are you seeing the problem on? Windows Which shell ar...
function prompt { oh-my-posh init pwsh --config "$(brew --prefix oh-my-posh)/themes/night-owl.omp.json" | Invoke-Expression } If calling the command outside of the prompt function, it works without errors - but that breaks the lazy loading of the profile as seen inthis Gist. ...