These characters are always showing up on my VS Code terminal. How do I fix it? I was installing Oh-My-Posh, the Powershell looks normal in Windows Terminal. Only in VS Code does the terminal look weird. I have installed and applied the Nerd Fonts. How to fix this, or is ther...
今天偶然下载了 powershell7.2.1 这想着 vscode也支持了,得装一个 ohmyposh的主题啊 安装准备先装scoop 看默认可以装个winget,win10环境,可是装半天没装上 // pow scoop install 1. 下载字体 ht...
Oh My Posh 是一款可深度定制的全平台终端工具,支持 Windows、GNU/Linux(WSL)、macOS 三个系统上的 PowerShell、bash、zsh 等终端
Prerequisites I have read and understand the CONTRIBUTING guide I looked for duplicate issues before submitting this one Description When I try to run the oh-my-posh command, I get the following error message: oh-my-posh: The term 'oh-my...
After 4 years of working on oh-my-posh, a modern and more efficient tool was needed to suit my personal needs. ️ Support ️ - Show your love with a t-shirt! - One time support, or a recurring donation? - No coffee, no code. Features Shell and platform agnostic Easily ...
Just installing using this font Delugia this fixed all my issues with pwsh (PowerShell 7.x) and Windows. I've tested in Windows Terminal and VS Code. Hth and saves you time. ;-) I went round and round on this trying to remap codes that were ...
Aliases can be placed here, though oh-my-zsh # users are encouraged to define aliases within the ZSH_CUSTOM folder. # For a full list of active aliases, run `alias`. # # Example aliases # alias zshconfig="mate ~/.zshrc" # alias ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh" # To customize ...
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JQ8MybRqS8wy9/U8OWXqw8QjU9X6H5S2HVWiTtX65sVgTEgG4yKlQTAHFXjo/nXDrDvejT2I3g9j 1RKYg32QA+PmPNuEmThK7JK0huUDVDcMwjYQq6Rx9jlBJFncae6mcBAGp+spoSH4ptSr6XyFs2Ho JsJa4hqaX7S/ooqmkUHlOIxfEDRLD3McFXNlcIndc3IHDQC7JfU4LkHJQHX1ueGgJPhknRAWDkDg BMooxU0PQJU+UYSwsCVsLtQ9QoXNRWW11cv...