推荐使用 Darkblood ,因为和vs code 一起使用的话,vs里面展示的终端,这个看起来更兼容一些 符号少。主题需要下载字体和图标才好看。 卸载主题 清空里面的内容Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 即可。 Import-Moduleposh-gitImport-Moduleoh-my-poshSet-PoshPrompt-ThemeDarkblood...
今天偶然下载了 powershell7.2.1 https://mydown.yesky.com/pcsoft/468254.html 这想着 vscode也支持了,得装一个 ohmyposh的主题啊 安装准备先装scoop 看默认可以装个winget,win10环境,可是装半天没装上 // pow
安装Oh My Posh,使用Power Shell 7运行特定命令完成安装,之后使用管理员权限重启终端。为了获得更好的阅读体验,推荐安装nerd字体,如cascadia code,其兼容性较好。在Windows terminal的设置中,将字体默认值更改为cascadia code。若已安装Vs code,可通过命令打开pwsh7的配置文件。在文件中,输入代码以更...
https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/installation/windows scoop install https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/releases/latest/download/oh-my-posh.json 1. 下载字体 https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code/releases/download/v2111.01/CascadiaCode-2111.01.zip ht...
同样在oh-my-poshGitHub页面上,使用的字体是:我使用的字体是电力线字体,有一个great repository包含...
Prerequisites I have read and understand the CONTRIBUTING guide I looked for duplicate issues before submitting this one Description When I try to run the oh-my-posh command, I get the following error message: oh-my-posh: The term 'oh-my...
Code of Conduct I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct What happened? Hi, i have install oh my posh but when i try to start it by reload by run . $PROFILE in the PowerShell wont reload with new Themes instead i look like this: ...
JQ8MybRqS8wy9/U8OWXqw8QjU9X6H5S2HVWiTtX65sVgTEgG4yKlQTAHFXjo/nXDrDvejT2I3g9j 1RKYg32QA+PmPNuEmThK7JK0huUDVDcMwjYQq6Rx9jlBJFncae6mcBAGp+spoSH4ptSr6XyFs2Ho JsJa4hqaX7S/ooqmkUHlOIxfEDRLD3McFXNlcIndc3IHDQC7JfU4LkHJQHX1ueGgJPhknRAWDkDg BMooxU0PQJU+UYSwsCVsLtQ9QoXNRWW11cv...
Such individuals may not be very bright, not necessarily because he or she speaks in such a manner, but that because they lack the common sense to know that doing so will not leave a positive impression. In short, it is not my fault if someone else can’t speak clearly, and claiming ...
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