我们可以使用Oh My Posh自定义PowerShell或适用于Linux的Windows子系统 (WSL) 的命令提示符。Oh My Posh提供完全自定义的命令提示符体验的主题功能,提供 Git 状态颜色编码和提示符。如下图: 安装Oh My Posh for PowerShell 如果要自定义 PowerShell 提示符,可使用winget安装Oh My Posh。 在powershell终端中输入以...
安装oh-my-posh时自带的主题的预览请去wiki看,如果打不开试试看科学上网,wiki主题预览: https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/themes 也可以去github上找自己想要的主题,下载.json文件后放入以下地址: C:/Users/用户名/AppData/Local/Programs/oh-my-posh/themes 然后在$PROFILE中输入对应主题名即可 如果出现脚本无法加载...
oh-my-posh 官网 官方文档 GitHub A prompttheme engineforanyshell. Oh My Posh is acustom prompt enginefor any shell that has the ability to adjust the prompt string with a function or variable. Oh-My-Posh 是一款命令行提示主题引擎,其受启发于 MacOS/Linux 上广泛使用的Oh-My-Zsh。
Deadlydog Oh My Posh Theme 💬 Description This is a custom theme for Oh My Posh, called deadlydog. 🖼 Screenshot and features This is an example what the command prompt looks like with this theme: The top line's left block displays: The logged in user and the computer name. Handy...
mir-hussain/oh-my-posh-thememain 1 BranchTags Code Folders and filesLatest commit mir-hussain Update zash-mir.omp.json 8a45974· Jul 12, 2024 History3 Commits zash-mir.omp.json Update zash-mir.omp.json Jul 12, 2024 About No description, website, or topics provided. Activity Stars 2...
configure your shell touse Oh My Posh (optional) configure a theme orcustom prompt configuration posh命令和posh for powershell 命令👺 安装完posh后,其会自动配置环境变量,因此可以在任意shell中访问到posh程序(命令行程序) PS 🕰️5:09:29 PM [C:\Users\cxxu\Desktop] 🔋100%→posh -h ...
Tutorial: Set up a custom prompt for PowerShell or WSL with Oh My Posh Install a Nerd Font 推荐Meslo Nerd Font 安装完成后打开Windows Terminal然后按"Ctrl+Shift+,(逗号)"来打开settings.json配置文件 "profiles": { "defaults": { "font": { ...
Import-Module posh-git Import-Module oh-my-posh Set-PoshPrompt-Theme honukai 保存并退出,重新打开 PowerShell,你就会看到你选择的主题了 这里和微软官方的文档不同,因为 oh-my-posh 的新版本使用 go 来重写了,指令发生了变化,所以旧的命令是无效的 ...
Install themes for oh-my-zsh. It's totally up to you which theme you're going to pick, but this post chooses eitherSpaceshiporPowerlevel10k. # Theme: Spaceshipgitclone https://github.com/spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt.git\~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/spaceship-prompt --depth=1ln-s...
Once I moved to Mac, I changed my shell to use zsh usingOh My Zshdue to the rich experience it brings to the terminal. I was delighted to see all thesethemesand plugins, and then started looking for a theme that provided the same information posh-git prompt provided. To my surprise, ...