on getting started, have a look at the docs at https://ohmyposh.dev Usage: oh-my-posh [flags] oh-my-posh [command] Available Commands: cache Interact with the oh-my-posh cache completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell config Interact with the config debug Print...
set-alias vim"C:\software\git\Git\usr\bin\vim.exe"# 此处为vim的安装路径, 安装完Git就有了set-alias vi"C:\software\git\Git\usr\bin\vim.exe"# 此处为vim的安装路径, 安装完Git就有了new-alias grep findstr # Linux grep 使用惯了, 所以建立一个昵称oh-my-posh --init --shell pwsh --confi...
https://ohmyposh.dev Oh My Posh是一个自定义的提示引擎,适用于任何shell,能够用函数或变量调整提示字符串。 传统上,提示工具是通过每个主题的自定义脚本(就像Oh My Posh 2那样)或大量的CLI配置开关来定义它的外观。对于Oh My Posh,我想从一个单一的配置文件开始,可以很容易地在任何地方共享,消除了真正掌握下...
#import Module (recommended add the next line,but,of course ,you can choose not to add the item,if you do not use the git tools) # Import-Module posh-git # import posh Import-Module oh-my-posh #set theme Set-poshPrompt paradox #set tab auto completion(optional item) #(the command ...
up arrow/down arrow will work like PowerShell/cmd if the ## current command line is blank. If you've entered some text though, it will ## search the history for commands that start with the currently entered text. ## ## Like zsh completion. Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key UpArrow -Functi...
Import-Module oh-my-posh Set-Theme Paradox 在PowerShell启动时加载这个模组了。类似于Linux Bash的.bashrc:Test-Path $profile 选择主题:Set-Theme paradox Agnoster Avit Darkblood Fish Honukai Paradox PowerLine robbyrussell Sorin tehrob 安装Gow
Autocompletion is available so it will loop through all available themes. Refer the last section of this gist to know the location of your PowerShell profile. Import-Module oh-my-posh Set-PoshPrompt -Theme jandedobbeleer 4. Update Oh-My-Posh Module In order to update oh-my-posh module...
Oh My Posh suddenly stopped working on Powershell in the Windows Terminal App (and in other places). Here is how the powershell looks now Theme I use the blue-owl theme normally which isn't working. I tried other themes and none of them are working. I set the theme using this line ...
2020.3月oh-my-posh.zip最新版 改造powershell利器,自带13种漂亮主题,非常nice的一个工具,最新版的离线安装包,可以搭配更纱黑体使用 上传者:sunrundong时间:2020-03-30 autoupdate-oh-my-zsh-plugins:oh-my-zsh插件可自动更新自定义插件 autoupdate-zsh-plugin 用于自动更新$ ZSH_CUSTOM文件夹中的git-repositories...
https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/master/lib/history.zsh## History command configuration setopt extended_history # record timestamp of command in HISTFILE setopt hist_expire_dups_first # delete duplicates first when HISTFILE size exceeds HISTSIZE setopt hist_ignore_dups # ignore duplicated ...