Oh My Darling: Regia di Alfred D' Samuel. Con Johny Antony, Melvin G. Babu, Dain Davis, Shaju K.S.. Love has many faces, but Joel and Jenny love with earnestness, but when their love is tested in the fire of adversity, it has to overcome that. When reali
Wife: It’s Friday today. How do you want to spend the evening darling? Husband: Well why not go 61 (dance)? We haven’t done that 62 a long time. Wife: Oh to tell the truth I do
I got my first handful of penpals from the back of the Alby’s Big Boy kids menu (there was a section for pen pals, can you believe it!? The 80s were such a darling time—no way would any parent let their child’s name and address be printed and mass-produced on a restaurant me...