"OH MY IRMA is the award-winning solo play by Canadian rising starHaley McGee,dubbed “the next darling of Canadian theatre” (See Magazine). Directed by Siminovitch Prize Finalist, Chalmers and Dora Award winning directorAlisa Palmer,OH MY IRMAsees McGee bring the memorable Mission Bird, a ...
I got my first handful of penpals from the back of the Alby’s Big Boy kids menu (there was a section for pen pals, can you believe it!? The 80s were such a darling time—no way would any parent let their child’s name and address be printed and mass-produced on a restaurant me...
One day, however, the laid-off cook, couldn’t ___39___asking her to make room for him: “My darling, today, I really want to prepare some __40___food. Could you please lend me the ___41___?”“No problem, but don’t make too much dirt.” My wife, used to cooking in ...
Hahaz staying at home online the whole day =D. Someone had asked me out to watch movie with him, and he kept dropping hints to give us a chance to start a relationship. I knew he is someone who falls in love easily whenever girls get close with him. I knew what would happen betwee...
ORDER OF THE GOOD DEATH (online music blog) – Interview with “Pretty Polly” video and band photo (secured by Mark) How did you come up with the idea of doing a full album of murder ballads? This was actually J. Tom Hnatow’s idea — he of These United States and Mynabirds infamy...
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Darling, darling, darling Darling Sean You've just heard John Lennon singing a lullaby to his son Sean. A lullaby is a song we sing to help babies to go to sleep. So he tells Sean "Close your eyes, have no fear, your Daddy's here." Then...
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