ramie root radix boehmeriae苎麻根 rangooncreeper fruit fructus quisqualis 使君子 realgar realgar雄黄 red ochre ochra haematitum 代赭石 red paeony root radix paeoniae rubra 赤芍 red psychotria leaf folium psychotriae rubrae山大颜 red-knees herb herba polygonie hydropiperis辣蓼 reed rhizome rhizoma phra...
I know! It's going to take a while to stop seeing a creeper in Im Joo Hwan after this. Even when he acts nice in the show, it's chilling. Spot on casting! I knew they casted Im Joo Hwan for more than just a random side character. 0 1 reply Alessar August 17, 2015 at 10...