He who rose from the grave on the third day, vanquishing death, swallowing it up in the victory of resurrection, removing its sting, so that we too could know victory over death “through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1Cor. 15:54-57). A victory known to a next level, in an unimaginable ...
William Wordsworth: There Was a Boy 4. 自由诗(FreeVerse):现代诗中常见的体式,长短不同的诗行存在于同一首诗中,不讲究押韵与格律,只注重诗歌所表达的意象和传递的情感。美国诗人WaltWhitman的(Leaves of Grass)中,就采用此格式。例子见第四部分。 四、 诗的评判 对一首诗,个人的感受会有不同。节奏流畅,...