针对你遇到的 crserror: cannot convert to wkt. ogr error code 6 错误,我将从上下文确认、错误代码解析、可能原因、解决方案及预防措施等几个方面进行详细解答。 1. 确认crserror错误的上下文 crserror 通常与坐标参考系统(CRS)的转换或处理有关。在这个错误中,它提示无法将某个数据转换为WKT(Well-Known Text)...
CPLPushErrorHandler(CPLQuietErrorHandler); OGRErr err =0;if(! g[i]->IsEmpty()) err = g[i]->transform(ct); CPLPopErrorHandler();if(err ==1|| err ==6) { OGRwkbGeometryType geomType = g[i]->getGeometryType(); OGRGeometryFactory f; f.destroyGeometry(g[i]); g[i] = f.crea...
CITYGML_LOG_ERROR(m_logger,"Could not create transformation from source SRS "<< sourceURN <<" to destination SRS "<< m_destSRSURN <<".");return; } m_sourceURN = sourceURN; } 开发者ID:MEPP-team,项目名称:libcitygml,代码行数:23,代码来源:geocoordinatetransformer.cpp 示例6: XMLInit ▲...
ERROR 6: Unable to load PROJ.4 library (proj.dll), creation of OGRCoordinateTransformation failed. 下面是示例代码: from __future__ import print_function import ogr imp 浏览0提问于2017-04-04得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 更新ubuntu 22.04上的gdal 、、、 我正在Ubuntu22.04上更新GDAL: python3 -m...
{}; // WKT, PROJ4 or AUTH:CODE bool bWebMercatorToWGS84LongLat = false; size_t nErrorCount = 0; double dfThreshold = 0.0; PjPtr m_pj{}; bool m_bReversePj = false; bool m_bEmitErrors = true; bool bNoTransform = false; enum class Strategy { PROJ, BEST_ACCURACY, FIRST_...
Show me the code. from osgeo import ogr ogr.UseExceptions() # 首先定义每个省全称到简称的映射字典 names = { '北京':...= ogr.Open('.../data/省级行政区.shp', update=True) layer: o...
ERROR [error code 22] Error: error downloading 'https://packagemanager.posit.co/cran/latest/src/contrib/sf_1.0-15.tgz' [error code 22] Also renv::install("sf", type = "source") ends with an error: # Downloading packages --- - Downloading sf from CRAN ... OK [file is up to ...
您通过Geo buildpack和Apt获得的GDAL包包含the base library,它似乎是在some combination of C and C++...
import com.iflytek.cloud.ErrorCode; import com.iflytek.cloud.InitListener; import com.iflytek.cloud.SpeechConstant; import com.iflytek.cloud.SpeechError; import com.iflytek.cloud.SpeechSynthesizer; import com.iflytek.cloud.SynthesizerListener; public class KqwSpeechCompound { ...
示例6: GetExtent ▲点赞 1▼ OGRErr OGRLayer::GetExtent(OGREnvelope *psExtent,intbForce ) { OGRFeature *poFeature; OGREnvelope oEnv; GBool bExtentSet = FALSE; psExtent->MinX =0.0; psExtent->MaxX =0.0; psExtent->MinY =0.0;