goldengate ERROR OGG-01296 Error mapping from 在处理goldengate数据同步时出现源端与目标端不同步,有可能是表结构,数据以及索引不一样。将源端的表全部导入到目标端后仍发现问题(ERROR OGG-01296 Error mapping from T.FUT_VP_RANK to T.FUT_VP_RANK.)。最后结果将表过滤再启动复制进程,也可过滤备份的表名...
(1).复制进程 Abended,通过view report语句查看可发现类似如下的报错: 2017-10-23 15:01:43 ERROROGG-01296Error mapping from CMS_ADM.T3010 to CMS_ADM.T3010. (2).查看丢弃文件(Discard File)的内容类似如下: Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle process started, group RAOC discard file opened: 201...
(1).复制进程 Abended,通过view report语句查看可发现类似如下的报错: 2017-10-23 15:01:43 ERROROGG-01296Error mapping from CMS_ADM.T3010 to CMS_ADM.T3010. (2).查看丢弃文件(Discard File)的内容类似如下: Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle process started, group RAOC discard file opened: 201...
在处理goldengate数据同步时出现源端与目标端不同步,有可能是表结构,数据以及索引不一样。将源端的表全部导入到目标端后仍发现问题(ERROR OGG-01296 Error mapping from T.FUT_VP_RANK to T.FUT_VP_RANK.)。最后结果将表过滤再启动复制进程,也可过滤备份的表名再重启进程。 问题进程: GGSCI (ogg2) 18> in...
Oracle GoldenGate - Version and later: Replicat Abends With Error "OGG-01296 : Error mapping from to "
Discarded record from action ABEND on error 0--提示ABENDon error 0 ProblemreplicatingSOURCE.AAtoTARGET.AA Mappingproblem with insert record (source format)... * DID =--->这个主键是数字,没有显示正确,居然是 000000: d5 11 DCODE =0001 ORTYPE =...
: [/app/oracle/product/ogg_11. [0x4c16ba]]2013-07-31 07:54:44 ERROR OGG-01296 Error mapping from SCHEMA1.TABLE1 to SCHEMA1.TABLE1.ChangesNo changes were made to the REPLICAT configuration, where previously it had been working.CauseSign...
2018-06-22 14:58:04 WARNING OGG-01003 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, repsl.prm: Repositioning to rba 67512607 in seqno 320. 2018-06-22 14:58:04 ERROR OGG-01296 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, repsl.prm: Error mapping from SE.T_TEST_SET to TS.T_TEST_SET. ...
错误信息: GGSCI (haitaonode01) 02> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING REPLICAT ABENDED REPWH5 00:00:04 01:01:19 GGSCI (haitaonode01) 03> view report repwh5 2017-08-21 17:38:26 ERROR OGG-01161 Bad column index (15) specified for table UP...