2024-07-17 10:13:12 WARNING OGG-00769 Failed to validate table name (info_tab) in Database (ogg). SQL error (0). 2024-07-17 10:13:12 ERROR OGG-00768 No rows found while fetching the metadata for table ogg.info_tab. SQL error (0). 2024-07-17 10:13:12 ERROR OGG-01668 PROCES...
OGG-00768: {0}. SQL error ({1,number,0}). {2} Cause:This is a generic error message and there can be multiple reasons for it. One reason could be that a query to set the session timeout failed. Ignoring this message results in the session being disconnected after a default time pe...
2024-08-07 11:20:20 ERROR OGG-00768 Failed to select database (RPTDB). SQL error (1049). Unknown database 'RPTDB'. --源端抽取进程告警日志如下 2024-08-07 15:45:51 WARNING OGG-01194 Extract task REP0 abended : Initial data load error reported by REPLICAT. 2024-08-07 15:45:51 ER...