The article highlights the conference of the Beds and Herts branch of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply held in April 2007 which emphasized the role of (OGCBS) in public sector procurement. Guest speaker and busi...
The article reports that members of the Committee of Public Accounts has criticized Office of Government Commerce's (OGC) buying solutions for handling under one percent of total procurement spend for the public sector, a lack of customer communication and unfavorable comparison with the private ...
The article announces that has received the organisational certification for excellence in purchasing policies and procedures from the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS).Suppl...
Amaryllis held the failure of HM Treasury to deal with its first-stage tender in a manner that was equal, transparent and non-discriminatory. An order was applied by HM Treasury permitting it to withhold disclosure of the documents by Amaryllis emphasizing the potential of a disclosure to be ... Trading Fund (Extension and Amendment) Order 2009doi:2009 No. 81介绍性文本财政大臣觉得财政大臣认为,根据1973年第1(3)及6(4)条的规定,有确定性.根据1973年法令第6(2)条的规定,a.财政大臣行使权力.1.引文及生效2.修改委托人订单签名时间表计划注释...
The Trading Fund (Appropriation of Additional Assets and Liabilities) Order 2004doi:2004 No. 3277介绍性文本2.引用和开始3.向基金会拨款额外资产和负债签署解释性说明
HM Treasury contended that the grounds of Amaryllis to bring the proceedings first arose when the pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) was available during downloading.ingentaconnectEuropean Law Reports
Parity is successful in re-tendering for Catalist procurement frameworkMichael Hanna
The article reports on the decision of, the British government executive agency charged with procurement management, to extend its managed telecommunication services deal with Global Crossing for about 5 years. Under the terms of the deal, Global Crossing will continue to offer ...
The article profiles Alison Littley, chief executive officer of She follows several golden rules when doing business including building successful relationships with clients and suppl...