Term used in the wastewater treatment industry. It often happens that water that is perfectly safe to drink has unappetizing color. Things work the other way too: sometimes people expect color and won't accept a product that lacks it. A prime example might be soft drinks, which get ...
A vowel, usually 'o,' used between a root word and a suffix or another root word to make the term easier to pronounce. Combining Form A root word combined with a vowel (usually 'o') to allow for the addition of suffixes or other root words. Suffix A word part added to the end of...
Term used primarily in the UK, not quite equivalent to secretary. In some contexts, the term is distinguished from a ``team secretary'' who does secretarial work for more than one boss; in others it refers to a higher level of competence and responsibility, even though the PA may answer ...
Today it is used to cover gaming and pool tables. The word comes from the French baies, the plural feminine form of the bai, `bay-colored,' from Latin badius. Bay, in case you forgot, or in case you couldn't forget, is a reddish or golden brown. Presumably that was the original...