Third Space Learning’s maths resources are examples of differentiated and scaffolded lessons and resources to ensure all pupils can access the curriculum and catch up with the rest of the class. While premium Third Space Learning maths hub users have access to the entire range of hundreds of ma...
A breakdown of the inspections shows reading and maths were the most common subjects for a deep dive in primary followed by science, history and geography. At secondary level, English was the most commonly looked at subject followed by maths, science, history and languages. Breakdown of Ofsted’...
Background:The future of exclusions after the Timpson Review Ofsted:What you need to know about Ofsted’s new inspection framework According to the NAHT, heads’ main concerns about the new framework include: The90-minute phone call (on the day of notification of an inspection) between a head...
A briefing paper produced by the British Psychological Society (BPS) says now is the “ideal opportunity” for Ofsted to embed mental health and wellbeing at the heart of its inspections and guidance - as it currently undertakesa review of its school inspection framework. BPS director of policy...