Safeguarding remains a specific emphasis during these inspections. Inspectors look closely at the school’s policies and practices to ensure that students are protected and that their welfare is a top priority. This focus on safeguarding is crucial, given the increasing awareness of its importance in...
“Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings’” ‘Working together to safeguard children’ Overview of the visit In line with the Education Inspection Framework, His Majesty’s Inspectors (HMIs) are tasked with making judgements about the following areas of a provision: Ov...
He said that if a school had safeguarding as its only area where it was “inadequate” this could be resolved and result in a change of grades. But he added: “I do think it needs looking at it - because I do think it leads to a sense of, is there a sense of trust in the sys...
It made me wonder whether we are overthinking an already complex evaluation framework for trusts, recently added to with the commissioning and regulatory framework, and potentially to be added to further with a MAT inspection framework. There could certainly be some refinements to the process, w...
In the current framework, Ofsted does not give a graded judgement for safeguarding but does say whether or not arrangements are effective. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the policy focus of the government over the past 12 years, mentions of “phonics” are up about fivefold for primary sch...