Based on our findings and prior literature, we argue that (1) analysts have difficulties processing additionally disclosed information on CSR, as this information is not sufficiently standardized for analysts to derive the correct impact on the firm's future value as well as share price target, ...
Owing to the enormous pressure out-of-pocket payment puts on the incomes of households in their attempt to seek healthcare, different types of strategies for easing the payment need to be examined if Ghana is to achieve the Universal Health Coverage target (Blanchet et al., 2012; Witter and...
3. Have your investments matched your ability to tolerate risk? Investors often tell financial advisors that they want to earn a target rate of return on their money each year--say, 10% or 12%, said James Shambo, a certified public accountant and personal finance specialist with Lifetime Pl...
sovereignty, by the very politicians we thought we could entrust. Americans Target of Largest Media Brainwashing Campaign in History… and the original… 14). One of numerous implications; every single sheriff in Ame...